Sunday, December 11, 2011

Homeschool Mothers Journal Weekly Review 12/11

In our homeschool this week…
We are trying to finish up Ancient Egypt. I am not sure how long we have been working on the topic, but there is just so much information and the children have been interested so we've kept going.  My interest is starting to wan, so I am looking forward to something new in history.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…
We had the normal activities this week; piano and a library visit.
In addition, my daughter had the opportunity to play piano at the Headquarters of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod this week. Her teacher was giving a concert there and he invited her to play Bach's Minuet in G at the beginning. While she has been playing this piece for several months, this was her best performance.

My favorite thing this week was…
Listening to the Christmas Hymns and carols both my children have been playing on the piano. 

Supervising daughter make her first batch of sugar cookies.  The most I helped was putting  the cookies in and out of the oven.

What’s working/not working for us…
So far, we have been able to focus on normal subjects and studies quite well, even though it is December.

Questions/thoughts I have…
When should we put the Christmas tree and decorations up.

I’m reading…
Your Child's Writing Life by Pam Allyn

I’m cooking…
My familys favorite meal this week was Minestone Soup.  We found this mix from a company called Bear Creek. Everyone, including 7 year old son, who is a choosy eater really likes it.

Thanks to Sue at the Homeschool Chick for hosting HSMJ.

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