Saturday, August 20, 2011

Homeschool Mothers Journal Weekly Review 8/20

In my life this week…

I completed my online exam for the Bringing Baby Home training course I attended last week.  Now I just have to wait to hear if I have passed all the tests and earned the certification.

In our homeschool this week…

We focused on and finished up our study of Missouri and Missouri lapbooks. Also did a couple lessons in an art Instruction course as well as using several review items.  

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Tuesday we went to a local Children's museum called The Magic House as they were having a free evening for children who had completed the summer reading program sponsored by the library.  We had a great time and I have pics to write about, just have to download them.
We went to the library this week. 

      My favorite thing this week was…

      The TOS Crew webinar.  It was just a fun time with "computer friends".

What’s working/not working for us…

Writing.  I have been reminded again how much my children do not like the physical act of writing.  I don't know what to do to change this.  I WILL NOT let them type everything even if it could be typed.

Things I’m working on…

Preparing for our intense grammar week next week. 

Planning for our "regular" year starting in September.

I’m reading…

Reading various books and magazines from my basement. 

I’m cooking…

Beef fajitas
Chicken Cesaer Salad
 I honestly can't remember what else we had.

      A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

 This is a quote from my Hubby when we were in the car the other day. I was talking about which way to go and our 7 year old was trying to give me directions by naming landmarks.  My husband replied 
"He, (referring to son) doesn't navigate, he McDonaldgates."  
Because the directions son was giving all had to do with McDonalds.

Homeschool Mothers Journal is hosted by Sue at The Homeschool Chick


  1. The Magic House sounds like fun! I look forward to seeing pictures when you post them! :-)

    We love lapbooks here. What a good idea to make one about your state.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Many blessings,

  2. That is cute. My son used to always ask to go to "Old McDonalds"

    Missouri has been a fun vacation spot for us with my in-laws.

  3. McDonaldgates! Funny!

    Jennifer - my son says the same thing! :)

    My 7 yr old struggles with writing. When he was in 1st grade, I barely made him write. He did everything orally - even his stories for English. I'd write what he said. When he was in 2nd grade, I made him write more. Now in 3rd grade, he's a bit slow with it, but it's not as agonizing. I'm not sure how old your children are, but, sometimes, the motor skills just have to catch up with their brain!

    Hope you have a great week!

  4. Writing is a major challenge in our house too. No matter what I do, it's like pulling teeth to get my boys to write anything! They have plenty of ideas, but when it comes to getting them to put those ideas on paper...ugh!!
