Friday, May 20, 2011

Homeschool Mothers Journal May 20

In my life this week…
 I am not sure where my week went.  I think I have been spending a lot of time in front of my computer.  I know I have I had 3 product reviews for the TOS Homeschool crew to do this week. 

In our homeschool this week…
 We are wrapping things up for the year.  Son has finished his main math book and so we are using other resources for his math right now.  

We have finished our lapbooks and a drawing project about DaVinci.  I will have to take pictures and post them later.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

Early this week I had the opportunity to meet a friend who I had only known through the computer. She is also a homeschool mom.

Daughter had her piano lesson and is preparing for her recitial on Saturday.

Can't forget stopping at the library. 

My favorite thing this week was…

Meeting my computer friend in person.

What’s working/not working for us…

Since the weather has finally been a little nicer I am trying to get the young ones outside a little bit more.  We have been able to take a walk/scooter ride around our street several times this week.  It is amazing what a little fresh air and exercise can do for the brain.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…

I am thinking I need a break.  Let's have some down time.
I really need to start planning for the fall.  I have thoughts running around in my head, but until I write them down I won't feel like I know what is happening.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

This is a search engine for kids that finds websites which are related to a brand of books we find and use quite frequently from the library.  Books from the publisher have a code in the back which you can put in at the website and it will find several websites related to the book. 

The Homeschool Mothers Journal is hosted by Sue at the Homeschool Chick.  Check out her blog to see what she and many other homeschooling moms are doing.


  1. Sometimes my need for downtime is also rooted in my need for unplugged time. It is good to give ourselves a break from everything time to time and feed our souls. How lovely you got to meet your friend in person. I have met some amazing ladies through homeschooling and blogging and hope one day to do the same (meet them face to face!). stopping by from the HMJ. blessings to you, katie

  2. down time is so valuable!
    So eager to see your DaVinci stuff!!!
